

Ini Nice Homework kedua (NHW2) kelas matrikulasi Insitute Ibu Professional (IIP), topiknya adalah Indikator Keprofessionalismean Perempuan sebagai individu, istri, dan ibu.

Bagi yang sudah menikah, maka indikator-indikator ini dapat ditentukan dengan bertanya kepada suami dan anak sebagai objek penentu keprofesionalismeannya. Sementara bagi peserta yang belum menikah indikator ini dapat ditentukan dengan bertanya ‘’andai kata aku menjadi istri’’ apa yang harus aku lakukan, ‘’andaikata aku menjadi ibu’’ apa yang aku lakukan.

Adapun kunci dari membuat indikator ini adalah SMART yaitu:

  • Specic (unik/detail)
  • Measurable (terukur)
  • Achievable (basa diraih)
  • Realistic (berhubungan dengan kondisi kehidupan sehari-hari)
  • Timebond (berbatas waktu)

Awalnya saya agak bingung harus breakdown ide dari mana, karena pemahaman konsep saya selama ini  tentang menjadi istri dan ibu adalah bisa dipelajari nanti ketika sudah menjalaninya (learning by doing). Namun setelah diskusi dan disarankan untuk ikut belajar di IIP maka saya sadar bahwa kita buth untuk mempersiapkan dan mengilmui kehidupan berumahtangga.

Setelah brainstorming dengan beberapa sahabat, ada yang mengatakan menjadi ibu itu sendiri merupakan parameter suksenya seorang perempuan secara pribadi, karena pencapaian terbesar bagi seorang wanita adalah ketika ia mampu menjadi partner yang baik bagi suaminya dan mendidik anak-anaknya dengan baik. Pendapat ini kedengaran klasik dan sangat general, namun ketika di jabarkan adalah sebuah amanah yang luar biasa besar yang ketika tidak di persiapkan dengan matang dan disertai komitmen yang tinggi maka arah sebaliknya yang bisa terjadi. Pendapat lain juga mengatakan bahwa indikator untuk mengukur profesionalisme istri dan ibu adalah selalu ada buat keluarganya, keluarga menjadi hal utama dan pertama dan bisa menyenangkan suami dan anak-anaknya terdidik dengan baik. Pendapat ini juga senada sebenarnya dengan pendapat sebelumnya, bahwa perempuan dikatakan profesional ketika bisa menjalankan perannya sebagai apapun itu dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Indikator yang saya buat adalah sebagai berikut:

Sebagai Individu

  1. Makanan sehat
  2. Olah raga teratur
  3. Sholat sunnah di tingkatkan
  4. Baca AL-Quran dengan tahsin
  5. Lebih ringan tangan membantu sesama


Sebagai Istri

  1. Melayani kebutuhan suami
  2. Selalu tampil cantik di depan suami
  3. Menjadi teman diskusi yang baik bagi suami
  4. Mengatur keuangan rumah tangga dengan sebaik-baiknya
  5. Menyediakan makanan sehat setiap hari


Sebagai Ibu

  1. Memberi hak ASI 2 tahun
  2. Menjadi guru anak untuk pendidikan formal (Homeschooling)
  3. Menjaga pola makan anak setiap hari
  4. Mencatat tumbuh kembangnya dan mendokumentasikan
  5. Menjadi sahabat anak di usia remajanya

Semoga indikator awal ini bisa menjadi pemantap langkah untuk disegerakan menyempurnakan iman dan dijalankan dengan komitmen yang tinggi. Amin..

Salam Ibu Profesional

Membangun peradaban dari keluarga.

Stuttgart, 4 February 2018

#Indikator Professionalisme Perempuan





Adab Menuntut Ilmu


Adab Menuntut Ilmu

Jurusan ilmu yang sedang saya tekuni saat ini adalah Ilmu keairan dan sanitasi. Alasan terkuat saya ingin menekuni ilmu berawal dari keprihatinan saya terhadap permasalahan lingkungan di sekitar saya. Terlebih lagi menurut laporan unicef Indonesia air minum yang tidak aman dan perilaku sanitasi yang buruk berkontribusi terhadap 88 persen kematian anak akibat diare di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri, diare masih merupakan penyebab utama kematian anak berusia di bawah lima tahun. Laporan riskesdas 2007 menunjukkan diare sebagai penyebab 31 persen kematian anak usia antara 1 bulan hingga satu tahun, dan 25 persen kematian anak usia antara satu sampai empat tahun. Yang lebih mencengangkan lagi adalah bagi anak-anak yang bertahan hidup, seringnya menderita diare berkontribusi terhadap masalah gizi, sehingga menghalangi anak-anak untuk dapat mencapai potensi maksimal mereka. Kondisi ini selanjutnya menimbulkan implikasi serius terhadap kualitas sumber daya manusia dan kemampuan produktif suatu bangsa di masa yang akan datang.

Strategi menuntut ilmu yang saya gunakan adalah mengambil jurusan teknik lingkungan pada strata S1 dan ilmu teknik management air dan sanitasi pada strata s2. Lebih spesiknya dalam proses belajar tidaklah semuda membalikkan telapak tangan, semua drama juga kompleks dalam proses ini. Namun nasehat Imam syafii selalu menjadi penghibur tersediri nuat saya yaitu jika kamu tak sanggup menahan lelahnya belajar maka kamu harus sanggup menahan perihnya kebodohan. Lebih lanjut mengenai proses Imam Syafi’I pun menasehatkan 6 perkara yang harus di miliki dalam menuntut ilmu yaitu:

  1. Kecerdasan
  2. Kemauan yang keras

“Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”(Keberhasilan berjalan dari kegagalan ke kegagalan tanpa kehilangan antusiasme)– Winston Churchill –

  1. Sungguh-sungguh

Seperti dalam novel biografi favorit saya negri 5 menara pribahasa arab yang menjadi panji perjuangannya adalah Man Jadda Wajadda yaitu siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh pasti akan berhasil. Tidak mudah menyerah, walaupun gagal di coba lagi. Failed belajar lagi ujian lagi dan Alhmdulillah lulus. Ini riil sekali sistem pendidikan tinggi di jerman sangat jauh berbeda dengan Indonesia, dimana nilai kelulusan 100 persen berdasarkan hasil ujian. Tidak perduli kehadiran dan tuga-tugas kelas. Maka tersandung dengan kegagalan pada saat ujian sudah merupakan hal yang lumrah dihadapi para mahasiswa di Jerman, bahkan ketika 3 kali tidak lulus akan drop out dengan asumsi bahwa student tersebut memmang tidak sanggup untuk belajar ilmu tersebut.

  1. Memiliki bekal

Bekal yang saya gunakan disini adalah beasiswa DAAD dari pemerintah Jerman.

  1. Memiliki tutor atau guru

Seperti kata pepatah lama, bahwa guru adalah sumber ilmu setelah buku.

  1. Membutuhkan waktu

Bahasa kekiniannya everything takes time, itu juga yang sering para dosen saya disini tekankan di dalam kelas. Bahwa menjadi seorang ahli waktu adalah keniscayaan. Tidak ada seorang peneliti yang dapat membuktikan hasil hipotesa mereka tanpa melalui proses panjang metode penelitian ilmiah. Begitupun dengan Master thesis yang sementara saya kerjakan sekarang, semua butuh waktunya masing-masing untuk mendapatkan hasil yang paripurna.

Perubahan sikap yang saya perbaiki dalam proses mencari ilmu tersebut bias dikatakan sangat signifikan. Utamanya setelah hamper tiga tahun di Jerman sebagai mahasiswi master yang berdaptasi dengan system dan budaya yang jauh berbeda, secara adab pun sangat signifikan.

Lebih sabar, karena hakekatnya ilmu adalah proses, belajar, menganalisa dan memahami. Tidak tergesa-gesa, mulai bisa mengukur langkah ketika mengambil keputusan. Lebih mandiri khususnya selama menempuh pendidikan master di Jerman ini, semua hal di kerjakan sendiri.

Manajemen waktu menjadi lebih baik, menyeimbangkan antara menuntut ilmu yang saya dalami dengan mengurus kehidupan pribadi dan kerja paruh waktu sebagai studen menjadi tantangan tersendri ketika awal kedatangan. Seiring berjalannya waktu semua bisa di manage dengan baik.


Stuttgart 28 Januari 2018



Modeling of Contaminant Transport and Groundwater Flow of Tamangapa Landfill in Makassar Indonesia


Hajrah1, Ardy Arsyad1, Achmad Zubair1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia

Keywords: Landfill, modflow, groundwater, leachate, contaminant.

Abstract. This paper aims to analyze the groundwater flow direction of Tamangapa landfill and to predict the contaminant in the groundwater over the period of 20 years, accounted for the year of 2000 until 2020. To understand the natural condition of the landfill, geological and hydrogeological survey were undertaken, consisting of geological survey, geomorphology and geo-resistivity surveys. Hydrogeological survey comprises groundwater level measurement, chemical analysis of leachate and groundwater samples which were later used as input data for numerical model. Based on the result of groundwater flow models, the direction of groundwater is found to be flowing from
the north to the south. The minimum concentration for manganese (Mn) is 1.519 mg/l and 2.701 mg/l for iron (Fe). Over the period of 2020, Fe concentration increases significantly, reaching the level of 56.427 mg/l, Mn concentration for 299.5594 mg/l. It can be suggested that the groundwater quality of Tamangapa landfill has already exceeded the standard for water quality, leading to potential severe impact to local people around the landfill.


Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 567 (2014) pp 92-97
© (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland




Guide: Hajrah

Report By: Zayneb Forozaan, Iman Fatehi, Arsou Arimi, Muhammad Zaki Fadillah, Forough Afzali, Amin Ebrahim Bakhshi Pour, Dini Adyasari, Elyas Abghoui

During IFAT 2006 on Tuesday (31 May 2016), the scholarship holders of NAWAM program had opportunity to meet Germany Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to hear and learn about a few examples from its funding priority “sustainable Water Management (NaWaM). And also explain about one of the objective of the NaWaM funding measures that is to accelerate the transfer of basic findings from academic research into competitive services or processes in the water sector (from knowledge to product) with  theme of the BMBF exhibition this year that was “Blue Innovations for a Green Economy”.

Figure 1: The DAAD and NaWaM scholars are greeting the BMBF representative

After short greeting and Speech to all DAAD NaWam scholarship Holder, a representative from BMBF showed us their exhibit and exhibitors in BMBF booth, they are as follows; NaWaM Compact, Generating electricity from wastewater Treatment by BioBZ, Sterilizing water storage and decentralization distribution system by Micro3zone, Export-oriented research and development in the field wastewater by EXPOVAL, Purifying wastewater by nidA200, EU Research Funding by NKS Umwelt. The Representative of Ministry had explain about the subjects of the BMBF’s NAWAM funding priority that focuses on the five subject areas:

  1. Water and energy
  2. Water and food
  3. Water and health
  4. Water in urban area
  5. Water and environment
  1. Water and energy

One of The subdivided funding priorities of BMBF is “Water and Energy. The research issues within the topical fields are dealt with and issued in the form of thematically oriented BMBF funding guidelines. Higher efficiency can significantly improve the energy balance in secure the supply of drinking water, the disposal of waste water, and the supply of energy area. In water and energy section, BioBZ was presented as an innovative idea for resource-efficient water management (Blue Innovations).

The project introduces a new systemic approach which might make a substantive contribution to the “energy turnaround” in sewage treatment. The approach incorporates a fuel cell which uses micro-organisms as biocatalysts in order to generate electrical energy from the (partial) biodegradation of organic constituents of sewage. The overall objective of the project is the development, investigation and assessment of a bio-electrochemical fuel cell for use in wastewater treatment plants.

  1. Water and Food

Securing the global food supply is the central challenge in this area. Population growth, migration and demographic development make this difficult in several respects. The aim is to secure the productivity of agriculture, which currently accounts for 70% of global water use, by establishing efficient, sustainable water management. Rural and semi-natural regions are particularly affected. They need integrated water/soil/land management. The development of innovative groundwater protection concepts and technologies is a special priority, and the various water users should be included in this process. It is particularly important to involve the food industry in research and development efforts in order to enable regionally, nationally and internationally sustainable water related value added networks. The following priority fields are to be addressed within the funding priority; Optimization of water- related value added networks in the food industry in order to boost efficiency.

Figure 3: Explanation about water and Agriculture

New concepts and technologies for the sustainable management of groundwater and surface water. Efficient irrigation strategies for sustainable agriculture.

  1. Water and Health

At this part of the exhibition related to water and health, we have seen a system designed for the remediation of bio films and the bacteria which grow in the water pipes especially for the holiday houses which are not used for a few months in which the bacteria have the time to grow. These bacteria could be really dangerous for the human health. In front of this interesting system, we could see the point of use in the house from which people get in contact with the bacteria in the water and may become ill because of them.

These bacteria will be killed with the Ozone. On the other side of the system, we could observe how this system can be installed in the house. At the back, there is the Ozone generator which produces the O3 and with the sensor on the top, you could observe the O3 production. At the analytical side, the O3can be turned on and the bubbles come out. At this point, the electrolysis of the water happens and the sensor will show a potential and that is how we could say whether O3is produced or not.

As an example, we could see the oxidation of the organic compounds in the water with Indigo (the blue ink) which is oxidized by the ozone and becomes colorless and that is also the way the bacteria are killed in this system. Turning on the system only for two hours in the night is enough to kill all the bacteria remained in the pipelines. There have been experiments performed to make sure about that. Also there is only a low dosage of O3required (8 ppb) which is not so much considering that the maximum amount of allowed O3 in the water in Germany is 50 ppb. Another good point is that with this system, there is no storage tank required, because it is only used for 2 hours in the night in the pipeline and the O3will go to the other pipes in the house and also there is no toxic by-products. This system is almost applicable for any kind of organic compound.

They plan to bring this system to the market by the end of this year (2016) and the predicted price is about 500 Euro which is a reasonable price to pay to be sure about the quality of the healthy water in your house.

  1. Water and urban Area

Climate change, increasing the rate of urbanization and aging water and wastewater infrastructures confront the global community including Germany to crucial and challenging issues in the current century. To reach to a sustainable system management which could effectively use the existing infrastructures and resources (e.g. water, energy, available data and), in a way that ensures providers of public service, cities, and municipalities about quality of drinking water supply, wastewater drainage and treatment and storm-water management in line with optimized allocation of the budget, a comprehensive research program was needed. For this purpose, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds the development of innovative technologies, processes and system solutions for the sustainable management water resources. In this case, with a total funding of 30 million Euro with the aim of developing innovative and feasible solutions for adapting urban water management to changing conditions in Germany a project called “Smart and Multifunctional Infrastructural Systems for Sustainable Water Supply, Sanitation and Storm water Management”   was funded by BMBF during 2013-2016.

Other needed fields of research for future are :sustainable water supply considering quality and quantity, optimization of operation energy in water infrastructures, DSS and management systems to assess adaptation measures and linking landscape water balance and urban water balance, with a special focus on ground water resources and ecosystem. In IFAT 2016, The BMBF stand was equipped with a reasonably big touch screen table with a user-friendly interactive platform which could be used to obtain information about most of BMBF projects all around the Germany. Users, also, could assess their information about urban water issues in Germany.

  1. Water and Environment

One part of their great presentation in the exhibition was about some sub-projects which are done under the joint project entitled “Technology transfer-oriented research and development in the wastewater sector-validation at industrial-scale plants” (EXPOVAL), which is launched in 2012 and is supported by BMBF. The project focuses on the extension of the existing design approaches so as to cover relatively high and relatively low wastewater temperatures and elevated salt concentrations. In addition, specific issues relating to individual wastewater treatment processes are also to be examined. EXPOVAL consists of seven sub-projects in the field of wastewater and sludge treatment. One of these sub-projects is entitled “Trickling filters”, which can be the best treatment in regions with limited energy resources and a difficult infrastructure and even can be operated almost without electric power. Trickling filters can meet the requirements associated with extensive nitrification, but can also be used if the water is being used for irrigation purposes and the N and P nutrients are to remain in it. This project is carried out in cooperation with university of Stuttgart (ISWA) and ENEXIO Water Technologies GmbH.

The aim of Water and corresponded environment is about providing a logical balance between ecology, Water Management and Productivity of water balance. It could be with achieved by having a perspective of natural and man-made water resources, which could be applied in different regions with variable water accessibility, to ensure optimum use of the trickling filters in other climates, till now this project is also set up in Dubai, Nicaragua, Georgia, Dubai, Namibia and Albania. The operation sequences of the project include; data measurement and project assessments, the existing planning, design and operating recommendations are to be extended to cover trickling filter systems used in other climatic conditions.

What we learned during our visit in IFAT 2016, it was about providing the balance with using Tricking filter system, which nowadays put lots of afford to make it more efficient. By this method, which has been inspired from nature, water will be purifying by passing through filters, which contains specific organisms helping degradation by the biofilm covering the filter material.


What is DAAD-Nawam Program ???


As many friends asked me about my scholarship program, this is the explanation about that, hope it usefull 🙂

What are the Programme Objectives?

One of the priority funding points to which the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) attaches particular importance in its Framework Programme on “Research for Sustainable Development” is Sustainable Water Management – NaWaM:

“One of the major challenges of the future is to ensure the supply of clean water to the world population. Population growth, water pollution and the increasing water  consumption per capita have a strong impact on water quality. In addition, expansive climate changes and change in land use influence global and regional water cycles and thus question the medium and long-term availability of water.” In view of this  background, the BMBF specifically promotes research projects to develop, adapt and internationally disseminate technologies and strategies for the sustainable  management of the resource “Water”. Of particular interest in this context are the  thematic fields of Water and Energy, Water and Health, Water and Nutrition, Water and Environment, as well as Water in Urban Areas.

The DAAD Special Programme funded with the resources of the BMBF on “Sustainable Water Management” is focused on the promotion of young scientists  from Cambodia, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

The programme „Study Scholarships and Research Grants for Foreigners“ offers highly-qualified Students and Doctoral Students from above-mentioned countries the opportunity to study in selected English-spoken Master’s programmes at German universities in the thematic fields of sustainable water management, or, for carrying out their PhD projects in Germany in the thematic fields of “Water and Health” (particularly, the treatment of emerging pollutants and pathogens in the water cycle) or “Water in Urban Areas” (particularly new approaches to urban water and wastewater infrastructure). Studies are carried out in Germany and should be technology-oriented.

